Mik Scarlet

Mik Scarlet

Mik swaps his time between working as a journalist and broadcaster, and running a small but successful access consultancy. This area of his career means he travels the UK advising businesses of varying sizes on methods to ensure their business models are inclusive and accessible. Whether this is helping create an accessible physical environment or designing inclusive systems and practice, the key goal is to allow the business to benefit from the estimated £212 billion annual spending of disabled people and their families. Nothing brings a business around to understanding why an inclusive business model is the way to go like that figure.

On the WordPress front, Mik is a lowly user, but he is married to Diane who is a WordPress developer so he has many conversations about it that fly way over his head! Mik thinks it’s great that so many of the WordPress community have a drive to ensure the platform is inclusively designed and that those who design for it understand the benefits of creating accessible output.
